Lehi’s Dream
A sonic rendering of the various elements of Lehi’s dream, within a three-dimensional virtual world (Book of Mormon, 1 Ne. 8:2-35).
Below is an aerial view of the virtual environment and its six zones (i.e., the black, red, orange, blue, white, and yellow circles).
The piece begins in silence. The listener is invited to explore the various zones mapped below, and touch the spheres that are found there. Each sphere that is touched will trigger a stream of sound that appears to be emitted from the sphere’s location in the virtual world. When all of the spheres in a given zone are touched, the interpretation of that part of the dream will appear. The piece ends when either all the sound streams have been triggered and have run their course (there are sixteen in each of the six zones, for a total of ninety-six), or when the listener chooses to end.

Below are video captures from the six zones of the piece.
The building (black)
The mist (red)
The gulf (orange)
The path (blue)
The tree (white)
The field (yellow)