We had an unexpected fly-over of two helicopters during a performance of First Vision on the morning of July 9, 2016. They flew over the performance area about 150 feet above the ground.
First Vision is designed to be performed outdoors, where the aim is to obtain an acoustically free-field condition. The ambient sounds of nature are also welcomed, as they highlight the meaning of the piece. The piece is deliberately performed in an area where the sounds of modern machinery are as inaudible as possible.
Although the unexpected helicopter sounds were intrusive during the concert, outside of the context of the concert, the event creates an interesting soundscape. The fly-over occurred between Sections 14 and 15 of the composition. Here is a recording from 6:31:40 a.m. to 6:32:52 a.m. (i.e., 31:40-32:52 in the piece). The recording was made with in-ear binaural mics and furry windscreens. Listening via headphones is recommended.
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